Here at First Christian Reformed Church, there are several ways to explore, learn about, and grow in God. in addition to the listed ministries, First offers additional community engagement opportunities throughout the year, such as "Coats for the Cold" and Trunk or Treat. We are always striving to reach out to the community to spread God's love. Special events/new ministries are also posted on our Facebook page.

A youth ministry geared towards elementary age kids; GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior) club and the CADETS boys club meets at Bethel CRC in Fulton on the second and fourth Tuesday evening at 6:30PM
Gateway Youth Group
Looking for a fun way to learn about God and make new friends as a teen? The Gateway Area Youth Group is a great start! Teens from the area meet at First CRC every other Sunday evening at 5:30PM to enjoy a meal, lesson, and (of course) some fun. The youth group also performs fundraisers and service projects in the area to spread the word of God.

Prayer Group
Looking to learn about the power and importance of prayer in our lives? Our new prayer group is for you!
Sunday School
children preschool age to middle school are welcome to attend our Sunday School program, held during the morning sermon.

Community Produce Table
A Fulton area favorite!! Available for members all of the community, the Community Produce Table engages others to share with anyone who may be in need. Operating seasonally in the parking lot from mid spring to late fall (weather permitting), we invite anyone who has excess produce to donate what they wish, and those who are in need can take what they desire.